As disciples of Jesus we are called to gather with the church in a regular rhythm that allows us to behold and worship God. We believe that worship fuels our mission together. God has given gifts to His people to encourage and equip them on His mission. This is the primary time we open the scriptures to behold who God is, and what he has done. And in turn worship God for who He has revealed himself to be and remind each other our gospel identity and how we are to live that out everyday as an act of worship.

Currently, we gather in one home @10am on Sunday mornings. We invite anyone to join us, please email, to connect and get the details.

Our longer term

Our longer term strategy is not to meet in homes for our Sunday Gathering. We believe that our current cultural context allows for a tangible expression of the local church with a traditional Sunday experience of worship through music, Scripture reading, prayer, and preaching. However, our current size and goals don't necessitate a larger public worship service.

What can you expect? 

  • We gather and share a brunch-like meal in a home 
  • We provide a time for our Kids to learn Scripture and have a time to explore the bible lesson and play in a separate space
  • We open the Scriptures and typically work through a book of the bible.
  • Our current format provides a more socratic style of learning, with more opportunity to discuss and ask questions. No one is required to participate or to be called upon to answer.
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